

I took 5mg one day, don’t remember where I got it from but I had some in a
baggie and figured I might as well. The first thing I noticed was this feeling of warmth
spreading all along my arms and legs. I got myself a soft blanket and laid in bed with it,
letting myself drift.
It made me feel very euphoric, but not energetic at all, I was perfectly content to
just lie there in bed with my head tipped back and my eyes closed.
I’m usually in the living room working on something, and my roommate said that
he noticed I wasn’t doing that this time and decided to go check up on me. I only know
this from him; I remember him coming in, but nothing else relating to him being in my
room. He said we had an entire conversation where I told him all the effects I was
feeling, how warm and comfortable I was, and how he didn’t need to worry about me.
We also apparently had a lengthy conversation (on his end) about some of his classes,
which he said I barely contributed to and kept asking him to repeat things. I have
flashes of this happening, but nothing more outside of that.
After I came back down to baseline, which I would guess was about seven or so
hours later, I noticed myself losing a lot of time for the next few days after. Not a lot of
time, and thankfully I was aware of these side effects before I actually took the dose, so
I was prepared and had basically cleared my schedule for those few days so that I
wouldn’t have to be anywhere important. I did all my work from home, or at least, I was
supposed to, although I don’t actually think that very much work got done.
My roommate made fun of me a little for being so spaced out when he came in,
also, which in hindsight I think was because I forgot to tell him that I was high. He
thought I was just acting incredibly weird for no reason, apparently, and didn’t think to
question it until I asked him later if I had imagined him coming into my room to talk to

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