Legal Highs Guru – Legal Highs Reviews, Herbal Incense Reviews

Recent Legal Highs News And Reviews

  • 1B-LSD review
    I started out this trip fairly experienced, but learned very quickly that no amountof experience can prepare you for any individual trip. They’re always so varied; I don’tknow if I’ve ever experienced exactly the same thing twice.For me it’s always like embarking on a vivid, and super intense journey thattranscends my ordinary perception very violently….
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  • Bromazolam
    I took 5mg one day, don’t remember where I got it from but I had some in abaggie and figured I might as well. The first thing I noticed was this feeling of warmthspreading all along my arms and legs. I got myself a soft blanket and laid in bed with it,letting myself drift.It made…
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  • MXIPR review
    I took a bump right before going to sleep (at five in the morning), and actually fellasleep almost immediately after, waking up an hour later in the midst of a very odd high.Would not recommend.Anyway, I wake up and am immediately feeling very high energy while also verylocked in. It was genuinely going from asleep…
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  • 3-HO-PCE review
    I’ve done this one before a couple times, but tried a little bit of a lower dose thistime because the last time the sedation effects had been absolutely obnoxious. Like, tothe point where I got annoyed that I didn’t feel like moving, because it felt like I hadthings to do that weren’t getting done.Anyway, it…
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  • 2-MMC experience trip report
    Fascinated by its fame of being a new psychoactive medicine, I set out on an investigation with 2-MMC as well as called 2-Methylmethcathinone. The following is an account of my experience, specifically addressing the process, techniques, and results. The processes that are mentioned here is my practice that may not be same and causing the…
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Legal Highs Guru is a one-stop community with focus on accurate, fair and timely news, reviews and relevant articles surrounding drug culture and industry.

Legal highs (New psychoactive substances), which produce the same or similar effects to illicit drugs that are not currently controlled under the Misuse of Drugs Act is an important topic but which misinformation is all around, making matters worse resulting to hospitalizations, seizures and even death.

So we’ve conceptualized, developed and created LHG with the main mission of becoming the people’s go-to source when looking for drug and related information.

On this website, you”ll find the latest news and articles on drug culture, government policies, drug trends, guides,  relevant events/happenings (as they unfold) in the drug industry. From time to time, we also feature specific experiences or trip reports on research chemicals and herbal blends, not to endorse rather to enlighten the people about drug use and its consequences and effects, among others.

We’re inviting everyone to share his or her very own drug experience by submitting a review about a specific substance, whether research chemical or herbal incense.

Legal Highs Guru isn’t recommending drugs, but we are focusing only on the facts you have to know for information and safety.


Trip reports and reviews on research chemicals and herbal incenses do not reflect the views/opinions of the website’s administrators and owners nor give a medical advice, but to publish a specific reviewer’s very own experience for information of others.

Dosage, should not be taken as recommended dosing because no two individuals have the same tolerance on drugs. Therefore, the amount safe for one may be deadly for another.

In all cases, practice fair judgment and use discretion when deciding on drugs. Everything is at your risk. Always be mindful of the consequences.

For any concerns, questions or suggestions, feel free contacting us or signing up to get information on the latest news and promotions.