Plutonium Herbal Incense

Plutonium 10g Herbal Incense Review

This is a nice and potent blend that will surely put a smile on your face. This has a nice smell and a light, fruity type of taste, the base being nice and fluffy. The high is good, not a head banger but will most certainly let you feel like you had a good one. The high lasts a good 40 mins, but wears down to a little mellow which is nice and i would say this is a sociable high, so you can enjoy outside with friends. Newbies can also enjoy this, just put a little at a time and it should be ok. All in all, i would rate this as a 3.8 out of 5 for strength, but one thats quite noticeable and not light in any way. I can fully recommend this product to all types of users, just use according to your needs and i will in future purchase this again. Price to ratio slightly expensive, but still good value overall.

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