layer cake herbal incense

Layer Cake + Paradox herbal incense reviews

Layer Cake herbal Incense review

One of my favorite incenses, Layer Cake has been around for quite a while, but this particular one has a chocolate scent. With light green herbs that come well ground up, getting Layer cake lit is a breeze. The aroma is pleasant and not much is needed for a strong effect.
Layer Cake incense offers a great incense scent that doesn’t grow old and always promises to be soothing and enjoyable. Prices vary around online head shops, but it’s always reasonable and worth it for one of the most reliable and high quality incense blends on the market. I highly recommend trying Layer Cake herbal incense if you haven’t already.


Paradox herbal incense review

paradox herbal incense

Paradox is one of the newest incenses that many online stores are now offering. It’s one of those blends you try for the fun of it, and end up thoroughly enjoying it and looking forward to your next purchase! How does it stack up to the competition out there though? Let’s see…
Paradox really brought on the pensive thoughtful thoughts that you only usually have during random moments. Those wake up in the middle of the night moments, where you answer the question that was bugging you all day, you know those kind. I wanted to listen to music, play online, talk a lot to my husband about everything, and nothing all at the same time (which I am sure he merely endured just to keep the peace) which makes this incense definitely one to share with others who also enjoy a little aromatherapy from time to time. The only downside to this particular blend was a restless leg syndrome thing for a little while. The cure was to get up, and get out and DO something. This was a fun, enjoyable blend that will have you pondering the mysteries of the universe, perhaps in a silly way. Sometimes the name is so spot on, and this is one of those times. Duration for a medium sized pinch was 20 minutes or so, which is nice.

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