Yopo —The Traditional (but Effective) Herbal High Yesterday for Today

Scientifically called Anadenanthera peregrina, A. peregrina, also called yopa, parica, yopo, una de gato (cat’s claw) hataj and cohoba, among others, possess hallucinogenic properties, with first reported use dated back in 1496. Its snuff, prepared from the A. peregrina seeds, which are gathered in January to February, is mainly used by the Taino Indians, who call it cohoba, in the Orinoco basin. Fast-forwarding, its use died out, not until its reintroduction by South American invaders to the Caribbean years later.
Piptadenia peregrina, another name for yopo, has a long, rich history, and a significant evidence, cohoba (snuff made from yopo seeds), has always played an essential role in ceremonies and rituals in Chile, Brazil, Peru, Colombia, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico and Haiti; in fact, artifacts, including paraphernalia (long tube used for blowing snuff into another person’s nostril) was discovered.
Traditionally snuffed, yopo beans are toasted and pulverized and then mixed with calcined shells or ashes, but for amplified visual hallucinations, Indian tribes used to add powdered limestone to powdered yopo (Yopo to limestone,- 3:1). But as published at Drug Plaza, adding Banisteriopsis caapi powder to yopo powder can make one’s trip even more intense. Take caution though, as this method might induce heavy hallucinations and violent sneezing.
Based on the same site, effects of yopo sniffing start within five minutes and last for half an hour. For yopo seeds dosage, it advises, small doses can be from two to three seeds and larger doses from four to five seeds. When light dose is used, a user can experience light euphoria and hallucinations, while heavy dose can cause stronger hallucinations, loss of body control and euphoria. By smoking though, a user can experience the effects in the same way he would with DMT, wherein a smaller amount is used for feeling the effects kicking in within a few seconds. Peak of yopo high lasts between 3 and 10 minutes, but will eventually stop after about 30 minutes.
The hallucinogenic compounds in cohoba are N. N-dimethyltryptamine, N-monomethyltryphmine, 5-methoxydimethyltryptamine and Bufotenine.
What’s your yopo story? Feel free writing it below to enlighten the rest seeking more information about Anadenanthera Peregrina.