scooby snax green apple

Scooby Snax Green Apple review

Scooby Snax Green Apple practically explodes from its foil pouch decorated in green and yellow color having the picture of Scooby. I received my 4gram packet earlier this week, and was pleasantly surprised when I opened the package. The herbs within were very green, even a bit sticky to the touch. Prior to burning, the smell of this blend was enticing! I received the apple scent as the name said, it was probably one of the best pre-burn scents I’ve ever had the pleasure of sampling.

I was sure to use a clean incense burner for my time with Scooby Snax Green Aplle; I wasn’t going to let the lovely green apple scent be crushed by the residue of past incense. I lit the incense two quick times, and waited. After lighting, I found it refreshing. The aroma took about 5-10 minutes to kick in, but my friend (who accompanied me in my incense sampling) said he was able to sense the aroma almost immediately. After about 15 minutes, I opted to light the incense twice more, and leaned back to see what effects the aroma would have on the atmosphere.

It only took a moment after that to feel the tension in my shoulders release. My entire body felt relaxed. The chair I was sitting in was a piece of shit, and you know what? I didn’t even care, physically I felt that good. My energy levels remained relatively low and consistent with what they were prior to burning. I was beginning to feel pretty spaced out by this point, very much up in my head, and my friend and I began a chatting storm. This blend is a social blend, but it probably would have offered some inspiration to the more introspective creative types.

The entire experience was paranoia and panic free, I experienced nothing I could call negative. The aroma was mellower, but not mellow in a bad way. I was relaxed, and yet my brain was pepped up, sped up, ready to roll and burst forth with a flurry of ideas and chatter. Total duration was about 35 to 45 minutes, so not the longest lasting blend, but a decent journey none the less. I wasn’t expecting to find myself as pleased with Scooby Snax Green Apple as I ended up being, If you’re looking to dip into the legal blends, this would be a decent place to start.

Scooby Snax Green apple £12 for 4g here!

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