army on mexican drug cartel

Govt Targets New Jalisco Drug Cartel after ‘Mayhem on May 1’

Guadalajara, Mexico- The attack on Puerto Vallarta, a popular tourist destination for Canadians and Americans and other points was a part of a wider assault.

Fifteen people, including soldiers died, a dozen injured and 19 arrested. General Salvador Cienfuegos said that the killers were unpatriotic commissioners of vile acts, but that they would never let their guard down.

More than four million people are living in Guadalajara, which had been free of any violence in part because it is where kingpins’ families are living. However, the bloodshed on May 1 marked the emergence of a rising drug cartel, which is little noticed as compared with other larger drug organization that nevertheless suffered from major setbacks in the recent years.

Under President Enrique Peña Nieto’s administration, the government has captured or killed major drug cartel leaders, including the most wanted then Joaquin ‘El Chapo’ Guzman (already detained) and leader of the notorious gang operations in Michoacan State Servando ‘La Tuta’ Gomez’ (caught this year).

Despite such ‘big’ (or hollow?) victories, new organizations have surfaced and have grown. With the weakening of both the Zeta and Sinaloa cartels, two most prominent drug organizations in Mexico, a new generation cartel better known as the ‘Jalisco cartel’ is now emerging and taking advantage of the state of Jalisco’s geographical location in proximity to the west coast and of its position being an industrial and business hub. (Allegedly, this is the same group behind the downing of a military helicopter lately).

It is unlikely that drug cartels take the military head-on and that they are virtually unheard to using weapons and arms like rocket-propelled grenades.

According to Eduardo Guerrero, a security expert, the magnitude of the said attacks was spectacular, noting that this was done as the Mexican government was launching ‘Operation Jalisco’ to crackdown the traffickers.

Now, it is likely that the government will soon launch an offensive against the Jalisco cartel after it downs military helicopter.

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