Jackie Chan

Jackie Chan Named First Singapore Anti-Drug Ambassador

Singapore- Hong Kong martial arts legend chosen as the country’s first anti-drug ambassador.

Jackie Chan, who starred on hit movies, including Rush Hour, is now leading an anti-drugs campaign in the country after his son spent months in prison for drug charges. His son, Jaycee Chan, spent months in jail when China police officers discovered cannabis in his Beijing home.

In 2009, Jackie Chan was the ‘Narcotics Control Ambassador’ in China.

Both China and Singapore support death penalty. And when asked, during an interview, Chan says that drugs aren’t only up to hurting young people, but also hurting the families and says that on some issues he supports death penalty.

He adds, when thousands of young people are getting hurt, he thinks those people (drug criminals) are useless. They should get the right punishment.

Jaycee, his son, was released in February after serving his sentence. He was imprisoned following a test revealing he was positive for marijuana and for committing a serious offense of providing a venue for other people to use illegal substances. Authorities stated they found 100 grams of marijuana at his home in Beijing.

In his speech, Jackie Chan said he had never thought his family would encounter any drug problem, in front of thousands of students during the launch of the latest anti-drug mobile game application at the Nanyang Polytechnic.

Continuing, Chan admitted to feeling ashamed and shocked upon learning of his son’s crime.

He added that anger made him more determined to go against drugs. He also said that an increasing number of young people personally choose drugs and that they could not experiment on drugs, while expecting not to be hooked into using them. He said that the only choice to make was to stay away from drugs.

Chan also told the youth not to think they would never be addicted, because they would not only hurt themselves, but the drug addiction would hurt their family.

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3 Responses

  1. Ron

    Anti drug mobile game application is an innovative idea, when most of the youngsters play mobile games daily. It can be very useful step in spreading anti-drug idea.

  2. Jeff

    Salute to Mr.Chan for coming out in open about his son’s mistakes and to not make an excuse about his son. only an honest person can do that.

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