Cannabis cafe

New Cannabis Café and Hotel Opens in Guildford

Guildford, Surrey- A new cafe and hotel promoting the benefits of cannabis, a Class B drug, which many consider of legalizing, has opened.

Its owner sets up the business for educating the people on the medicinal properties of marijuana as well as to provide new income for the people.

The new cannabis cafe and hotel is located in a flat, where he is a tenant of, providing full dinners, refreshments, including cannabis coffee and tea and a variety of meal deals, including cannabis cigarette for everyone who wants to smoke with others.

Not only that he’s offering cannabis meals, but also an overnight stay for encouraging people to smoke in what this owner describes as an educated and safe environment.

For the rules, the owner said that there are only two: no use of other substances and no disturbing of neighbors. He said that many people who have visited came to overcome other addiction or pain and furthered those who would go without food due to stress or health issues could come and enjoy home cooked food.

He adds, the cafe is a social place for tokers and smokers, but says 16 is the age limit for those who want to come, although he believes younger people should also be opened up to the potential benefits of cannabis.

Its receptionist is a 17-year old girl who was homeless finding only a family friend to turn to when she moved into this place. She said that she never knew what to do without it and that she might have ended up in the YMCA.

They know or know of everyone who comes and smokes and they all love something in common—cannabis. She adds, it helps her and other people in terms of awareness, whether they are using drugs or not.

And despite of eviction threat from the Guildford Borough Council and from an ongoing police enquiry, he said that he would continue the cafe as long as he could keep it going for.

A police spokesperson said that the matter had been brought to their attention and they were in the process of conducting further enquiries.

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