green crack herbal incense

Green Crack review

Green Crack, as opposed is a singular entity—there are no varieties, just the proprietary natural. I find it truly disappointing that a quality scent is such a scarcity in the world of herbal incense. I rather enjoy the smell of natural herbal filling the room, and who doesn’t want a taste of it?

The aroma of Green Crack  is palpable and pleasant. From the bag it smells great. After burning, the aroma itself doesn’t hold long before it attains the less desirable charred and smoky smell. I would suggest throwing smaller amounts into the burner consecutively, as opposed to one large amount for a single session. Effects produced by the aroma are pleasant but much more subtle than I anticipated from other products—more of a bodily sensation than heady, more weighty than uplifting, some audial enhancements, and relaxation.

Taking the prior into consideration, its name rests on the brink of irony (with the exception of the logical connection to greenery). I can’t call a genuine red alert for this one as far as potency is concerned. This herbal is nevertheless a good blend that will cater to personal preference, it’s just not my ideal cup of tea—I like mine extra strong, and this seems more geared toward those with a taste for the more moderate. I can’t help but think there’s some untapped potential in this otherwise satisfying blend.

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