zombie mario legal high

Zombie Mario Review

Once again, another bombshell from the expresshigh team. i received Zombie Mario well packaged and upon opening it, it had a dual smell, first you smell the spice, which is mild but almost immediately there is a fruity smell, like raspberry or something similar, a great twist to the product i thought. as usual, i went ahead to test the product and i could foresee what was awaiting me. One hit is all it took and bang, i was out!  Have no illusions, this product was extremely potent, even to the point of hesitating to take another drag..the high was very heavy and head centred, like a brick was inside your head. The taste was nice, with a subtle fruity taste at the back of the throat, which is very nice. The structure was grainy, reminding me very much of the product ” geeked up”, but thats fine as you get more for your money. the high lasted roughly 50 mins or so and it was a nice coming down effect, surprising considering the strength of this product. once you back down, you feel very relaxed and can go ahead, all these affects were done puff by puff, one at a time to see its strength and how long the effects stayed..i gave this a super 10 out of 10, this stuff is very, very strong and i urge all who want to get totally knocked out to put yourself to the test and try it..once again expresshigh have surpassed themselves with these new products, i urge only veterans smoke this, do not use if you’re new as this was too much for me, considering i smoked this stuff for a while. well done expresshigh for soke very inexpensive and powerful products!

zombie mario


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